Types of Dental Bridges

Types of Dental Bridges

A dental bridge is a fixed dental restoration offered by the dentist in 85053 used to replace one or more missing teeth by spanning the gap between natural teeth or dental implants. It consists of one or more artificial teeth, called pontics, which are anchored to adjacent natural teeth or implants, known as abutments. Dental bridges are custom-made to match the color, shape, and size of the natural teeth, restoring the appearance, function, and alignment of the smile.

To place a bridge, the dentist in Phoenix, AZ, first prepares the teeth on either side of the gap by removing some of the enamel to make room for the crowns. Next, they take impressions of your teeth to create the bridge. While the new bridge is being made, a temporary bridge is placed to protect the exposed teeth and gums. When the permanent bridge is ready, the temporary bridge is removed, and the permanent bridge is cemented in place. 

Types of Dental Bridges in Phoenix, AZ

Traditional Dental Bridges 

A traditional bridge is a false tooth held in place by crowns on adjacent teeth. The crowns are cemented onto the existing teeth, and the false tooth is fused between them. 

Cantilever Bridge 

A cantilever bridge is used when only one adjacent tooth is on one side of the gap. This bridge consists of a crown for the abutment tooth with a suspended pontic. 

Maryland Bridge 

A Maryland bridge is similar to a traditional bridge, but the pontic is held in place by a metal framework instead of dental crowns. This type of bridge requires less preparation of the abutment teeth than the traditional bridge. 

Implant Supported Bridge 

An implant-supported bridge uses dental implants as anchors instead of crowns. These implants are surgically placed into the jawbone. Once the bone fuses with the titanium post, the bridge is attached to it. Call us to learn more.

The Benefits of Dental Bridges 

  • Missing teeth can make you look older and cause embarrassment when you smile. A dental bridge in Phoenix can restore the appearance and function of your smile. 
  • Your teeth help you speak and eat properly. When you lose a tooth, these functions can be compromised. A dental bridge restores your ability to eat and speak normally. 
  • When a missing tooth leaves a gap, the teeth on either side may shift out of place to fill the gap. A dental bridge prevents this shifting and keeps your teeth aligned. 
  • Replacing missing teeth protects the health of your remaining teeth and can prevent gum disease and other oral health issues. 
  • A beautiful smile can boost your confidence and help you feel better. 


  • Good Oral Hygiene: Regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental checkups are essential for maintaining the health and longevity of dental bridges.
  • Avoiding Sticky Foods: To prevent damage to the bridge and surrounding teeth, it's best to avoid sticky or hard foods that can exert excessive force on the restoration.
  • Professional Cleanings: Regular dental cleanings by a hygienist help remove plaque and tartar buildup around the bridge, reducing the risk of decay and gum disease.

In summary, a dental bridge is a common and effective solution for replacing missing teeth and restoring oral function and aesthetics. By consulting with a qualified dentist and exploring the available options, individuals can achieve a healthy, functional smile with the help of a dental bridge.

A dental bridge can help restore the look and function of your smile. Visit Phoenix Family Dentistry at 13821 N 35th Dr Suite 2, Phoenix 85053, or call (602) 755-6684 to see if a bridge is right for you.


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Phoenix, AZ

13821 N 35th Dr Suite 2, Phoenix, AZ 85053

Email: drcdentistry@outlook.com

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